Hey friends! I hope your December is off to an amazing start. Here at The Meal Planning Method we've been busy 🐝s trying to gear up for an amazing 2017 for you. *Eeeek!* If you're thinking about taking the next steps with eating better on more consistent basis, then we'd love for you to follow us for some exciting stuff coming soon! Today, I'm offering up some holiday help with all the extra attention on whipping up holiday treats and cooking family favorite recipes. So I first want to let you know that recipes are really just guidelines. I hardly ever (like ever) follow a recipe to a T. This is because I find most recipes don't fit my personal preferences and nutritional needs. So I encourage you to take this same approach when researching recipes to cook or bake. I've found a certain freedom with food by doing this because I'm no longer a slave to specific ingredients and am able to now modify any recipe that comes my way. Seriously! Cooking become more enjoyable and less stressful. And because I want YOU to be able to start refining this essential cooking skill, I'm sharing a super simple handout that gives easy suggestions for ways you can start making dishes and meals healthier with some quick switches. Get yours below! Download this FREE "Simple Substitutions for Recipes" printable!![]()
Maybe you just start off by making 1 healthier substitution. And that's awesome! But imagine if you made several switches how you transform a delicious, dish :) Hope you're imagining all the cooking possilibilies now! Tell us, what will you "healthify" this holiday season? Write us in the comments below or tag us at @TheMealPlanningMethod! lindsey
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