Hi friends! Happy National Nutrition Month! The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics created this annual campaign to educate and inform the public on nutrition. This year's theme is "Put Your Best Fork Forward." Love it! This theme encourages, inspires and reminds us that small changes today can lead to long term habits. Today, I'm sharing 3 tips to help you put your best fork forward! 🍴 1Get in the KitchenPut your best fork forward by getting in the kitchen. Whether you love to cook or absolutely do not, getting in the kitchen is a great way to personalize food to your taste preferences. Plus, the more you cook the more confident you will become in your skills. I also want to emphasize that cooking does mean everything has to be from scratch or a 4-course meal. To me, cooking is creating and combining flavors you love to create nutritious and balanced meals. This could be taking convenience items from the store like pre-chopped veggies and rotisserie chicken or could be roasting the chicken yourself and chopping the veggies. It's your choice. Figure out what will work for you and do it. 2Try Something NewPut your best fork forward by trying something new. This could be new flavors, new cooking techniques or a new food. It's so easy to become comfortable. While there is nothing wrong with that, it is important to have variety in your eating. The more variety = more taste, flavors, nutrients, fun, etc. If trying something new freaks you out a little. Start small. Pair with flavors and foods you know you know and like. Share it with a friend. Or try it at a restaurant to learn more about it. 3Plan AheadPut your best fork forward by planning ahead. We live in a busy society. There is always something on our to-do list and it constantly seems to be growing instead of shrinking. It is far too common for our self-care (eating healthy included) to get put to the side. But, it's so important to make it a focus. (Not always easy, I know. ) With a little planning ahead you can it make it easier and less stressful. Again, start small. Plan and pack a few snacks to have with you on your busy day. Prep some foods on the weekends to throw together quick meals. How do you plan to put your best fork forward? Share with us by commenting below or on social media with the hashtag #MealPlanningMethod.
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